Sweden women's national football games schedule widget.

About the project

The project was to create a widget that allows users to pick their favorite team of Sweden women's national football games (Swedish: svenska damfotbollslandslaget). A widget on Aftonbladet and Sportbladet frontpage on the right column that will connect the user to the streaming website in Sportbladet play. Date of matches Jun-Nov 2020.


Client: Aftonbladet

Role: Product Designer

Status: Live widget on AB website and app.

Date: Mars 2020


- Research

- Benchmarking

- Design studio

- Sketch

- Prototypes

UX challenge.


The stakeholders wanted to promote the games in advance, so I needed to find out what information the widget would contain. And what information was important for a football fan user when they use a schedule widget.

Designing a widget that follows Sportbladet design guidelines and making interactive, informative and easy to use for the users. 

Research questions.

What info do the users need in a football schedule widget? 

What features is the widget going to have?

How can we convert more streaming games?

Design studio workshop.


The Design Studio methodology is a rapid iterative process that allows teams of varied individuals to work together to solve design problems. It is about collaboration, iteration and idea creation.

I did a design studio workshop with stakeholders and people that's interested in fotboll to get the content that the widget needed and what was expected of me as a product designer.

The group was composed by 8 ppl total; 6 from Sportbladet and 2 UX-Designer from Aftonbladet.

Research. Sketch. Present. Critique. Repeat.

— Round 1: Introduction for the participants about the process of the workshop

— Round 2: 5 minute sketch, 15 minute critique

— Round 3: 5 minute sketch from “best” sketch in round 1; 10 minute critique

— Round 4: 10 minute critique and dot voting (3 dot per person)

Second phase of the design studio workshop where the participant showed the final sketches and could vote 3 times however they wanted.

Second phase of the design studio workshop where the participant showed the final sketches and could vote 3 times however they wanted.

Sketch most voted by the participants with 9 votes.

Sketch most voted by the participants with 9 votes.

Insights from the workshop gave content and design guidelines.

  • Time and date are prio information that must be included on the widget

  • Team name

  • Team logo

  • Horizontal calendar with arrows so you can see different dates

  • Sportbladet Play logo

  • Light blinks when a game is live

  • Show more button

  • Link to Sportbladet Play

  • Tag with woman’s fotboll (Damallsvenska)

Final Prototype.


This prototype was made in Sketch and delivered to the developers. With visual specification on how the interaction would work and were the button would take the user, in this case it links to Sportbladet play a streaming service.



For me it was an interesting project because I had an ide about what the widget needed but I felt unsure considering that I’m not a soccer fan.

It was a challenge to design a widget that needed to contain allot of things like long names, teams logo and other features in a very little space frame.

It was fun to work with colleagues from Sportbladet. And an insight-full workshop that was very appreciated by the participant where 5 of 7 people had never experience a design studio workshop.