Visual concept for Svenska Dagbladet special edition article.

About the project

SvD Näringsliv asked some of the country's most exciting people in their respective areas to give their vision for the future. A new thought every day. A total of 20 thoughts on the 2020 (Swedish: 20 tankar om 2020-talet). I participated in the first phase of this project, contributing with the visual concept to the landing page for the special edition article for Svenska Dagbladet. With a modern and elegant style.



Role: Product Designer

Status: Live on SvD website and app.

Date: July 2019


- UI-Design

- Prototype



My roll as a UI-Designer was to plan the layout in the landing page together with my UX-Design colleague for the special edition in Svenska dagbladet. We did a design studio were we brainstorm different sketch to after put together the best ide. The work process was parallel with the journalist team so we didn’t have all the information jet. We got som points information from the stakeholder that the article was going to have in the landing page.

  • Name of the person

  • Work title in the company

  • Quote

  • Portrait picture

  • Some of them live portrait / gif. files

  • Interactions

Prototypes concept with different layout made in Sketch.


I made different design proposition with different layout, playing with long and short names and quotes. I used Svenska Dagbladet brand guidelines like typography, and colors. Finally I wanted to do the prototypes more realistic so I selected pictures from the web. And also to give an ide/inspiration to the photographer and illustrator about what background could colors work and the position of the person.